Konverzační témata- Olympiáda AJ- kategorie A1- prima, sekunda:
1. My family
2. My school
3. My daily programme
4.My town, my village
5. Hobbies, free time activities
Have a look at the questions below.
Konverzační témata- Olympiáda AJ- kategorie A2- tercie, kvarta:
1. What‘s your name?
Where are you from?
Where do you live?
Which school do you go to?
2. How long have you been learning English?
Do you study English at school only or do you have an opportunity to use it
out of school, too?
Do you learn another foreign language? If not, which foreign language would
you like to study in the future?
3. How did you get to school/this school today?
Did you come alone or is anyone with you?
Have you been to a similar competition before?
How did you prepare for the competition?
1. My family
Where do you live? Who do you live with? What‘s your address and telephone
number? How many people are there in your family? What do your parents, brothers
and sisters do? Do you live in a flat or in a house? What do you usually do at the
weekends? Do you have any pets at home? What do you usually do on holidays?
Do you have any aunts, uncles or cousins? How often do you meet? What do you do
when your family gets together?
key words:
family members (mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, aunt,
uncle, cousin), family members‘ jobs, flat, house, names of individual rooms, programme for the weekend (names of hobbies, sports etc.), family celebrations
(names of common gifts, meals and activities connected with celebrations)
2. My school
What school and class do you attend? How many boys and girls are there in your
class? Who is your classteacher? How do you get to school? What time does your
school usually start and finish? What are your favourite subjects and why do you like
them? What subjects do you dislike and why? Describe a typical English lesson in
your class? What would you like to study/do in the future? Do you eat lunch in your
school canteen? Do you go on trips with your class? If yes, where did you go last
time? Do you have a school magazine in your school? Do you have a good friend in
your class? key words:
school subjects and school objects, school equipment, timetable and breaks, names
of schools (basic, secondary high or university), school trips (transportation, activities
etc.) and excursions
3. My daily programme
When do you usually get up? What do you do in the morning? What do you have for
breakfast? Do you have a snack at school? When do you study? What do you
usually do in the afternoon? Could you describe what you usually do e.g. on
Tuesdays? How often do you watch TV? What are your hobbies and when do you
have time for them during the week? Do you like reading? What do you usually do at
weekends? What time do you get up and go to bed on Saturdays?
key words:
leisure time activities – sports, hobbies, meals during the day, daily routines, way of
washing in the morning and in the evening, newspapers and magazines, TV
4. My town, my village
Where do you live? Is it a town or a village? How old is your town/your village? Do
you live in a flat or in a house? Do you like the place where you live? Do you have
your own room or do you share it with your brother or sister? Are there any nice
places in your town or village where you often go for a walk? Where do you usually
go if you have some spare time? What‘s your favourite place? Where do you meet
with your friends? Where do you go to the theatre or to the cinema? Where can you
do sports in you home town/vilage? What shops are there in your town/village? Do
you know any tourist attractions in the place where you live?
key words:
shops (names of individual shops – grocer‘s, supermarket, department store,
greengrocer‘s, butcher‘s, florist‘s, stationer‘s etc.) and institutions in the town
(schools, offices, banks, shops, university, cinema, theatre, etc.), cultural life
(concerts, exhibitions, film, theatre plays), places in the country – valley, hill,
mountain, woods, forest, path, meadow, road, plain etc.
5. Hobbies, leisure time, pets, sports
What sport/s do you do? How often do you do sports? Do you watch sports on TV?
Do you collect something? Do you know anyone who collects something? What do
people usually collect? Do you like animals? Do you have a pet at home? Tell us
about it. Do you like going to the zoo? Which animals are there? Do you like reading
books about animals? Do you watch TV programmes about animals? What are your
favourite TV programmes? Do you go to the cinema? Do you have a favourite film
star? Who is it? Do you listen to music? What kind of music do you prefer? Do you
have a favourite singer or group?
key words:
sports (individual sports and team games, sports typical for individual countries),
collections and what can people collect, pets and what they need, kinds of films,
music, books (novel, short story, fairy tales, poems etc.)
6. Weather, seasons, clothes and fashion
What type of weather do you like? What type of weather do you dislike? What is the
typical weather in the Czech Republic in various seasons? Which season do you like
best and why? What clothes do people wear in winter and in summer? What do you
usually do when it rains? Which sports do you do in winter/in summer? Do you go
cycling in winter? What is the weather like today? What are you wearing today?
key words:
names of seasons, types of weather (windy, rainy, cloudy, sunny etc), clothes (skirt,
shirt, trousers, blouse, coat, jacket, sweater, jumper, shorts, shoes, boots, socks,
kneesocks, pants, underwear etc.)
7: English speaking countries
Where do people speak English? Have you been to such a country yet? If yes, where
have you been and what have you seen there? If not, what country have you
read/learned about? Do you know any important towns/places/sightseeings in an
English speaking country? Do you like travelling? Have you flown on a plane? How
do you usually travel? Where would you like to go and what would you like to visit
there? Do you know any typical foods? Have you tried it yourself? Do you have any
penfriends abroad? If yes, tell us about him/her.
key words:
ways of communication (letter, telephone, e-mail, postcards, SMS messages, chat
etc.), new technologies (vocabulary connected with computers – monitor, keyboard,
hardware, software etc.), names of foreign countries, means of transport, melas
8. Cultural life
How often do you go to the cinema, to the theatre, to a concert, exhibition, museum?
What ineresting things have you seen/heard last? Do you have any favourite film
stars, musicians, singers, painters? Why do you like them? Do you like reading?
What do you read? What type of book is your favourite one? Have you got a favourite
book? Who wrote it and what is it about? Have you ever acted in a theatre play?
Have you ever written a rhyme or a poem or a story for your school magazine?
key words:
theatre and things connected with theatre, types of theatre plays (comedy, tragedy,
love story etc.), types of literature, writer, playwright, poet, composer, painter etc.
9. Holidays and festivals
Name your favourite holiday. What are the differences between Christmas
celebrations and Easter celebrations in the Czech Republic and in an English
speaking country? What do we eat and what are the typical meals abroad? Which
holidays are different here and abroad? Which holidays do you celebrate in your
family? What do you do, what do you eat and drink? When is your birthday? What do
you usually do on your birthday? What presents did you get for your last birthday?
Who do you buy a birthday present for?
key words:
holidays and celebrations (Christmas, Easter, birthday, Halloween, St. Valentine´s),
typical meals, namedays, presents etc.
10. Healthy and unhealthy lifestyle
What is healthy for people and what is harmful? (smoking, drinking alcohol, too much
food, unhealthy food etc.) What do you do to keep fit? What do you usually eat and
drink? Do you do sports? Do you go for a walk regularly? How long do you sleep?
How often do you watch television/ do you play computer games? Can you name
some healthy food and some food dangerous for you?
key words:
healthy and unhealthy food (names of fruit and vegetables, meat, bakery products
etc.), lifestyle, names of most frequent illnesses