Školní kolo konverzační soutěže v anglickém jazyce pro 1. – 3. ročníky
čtyřletého a víceletého gymnázia se bude konat v pondělí 30.1.2011 v učebně
419. Soutěž má část písemnou a ústní. Část písemná obsahuje poslechový test
a začne ve 12.45, po přestávce ve 13.30 začne část ústní. Ta bude obsahovat:
1) krátké představení se komisi
2) samostatný projev na dané téma (viz příloha)
3) porovnání dvou obrázků
Zájemci se budou hlásit v kabinetě anglického jazyka č.422 u pí Gebauerové
nebo p. Poštolky.
Témata pro okresní kolo Konverzační soutěže v anglickém jazyce – viz dále:
1. It is better to be an only child than to have siblings.
2. Spending time with friends is more fun than spending time with family members
3. Living in a city is not good for families with small children
4. Teenagers should get pocket money only for helping their parents with household chores.
5. Studying for school should be a part of every teenager’s daily routine.
6. Everybody should visit a museum, an exhibition or an art gallery at least once a year.
7. Marriage is old-fashioned. In a few years nobody will want to get married.
8. Tourism harms the environment. The number of tourists entering a country should be regulated by the government.
9. People do not have to eat meat. A vegetarian diet is as healthy as a diet containing meat products.
10. Agood way to learn about a foreign country is to visit a typical restaurant in that country.
11. Shopping has become a major pastime for a lot of people.
12. The people who can help students most in choosing their future career are their parents.
13. E-mails, on-line social networks and mobile phones are becoming more and more popular. In a few years’ time we will stop meeting friends face to face, and will meet them only on-line or speak to them on the phone.
14. Reading news on-line is becoming more and more popular. In a few years´ time traditional newspapers will no longer exist.
15. Old customs and traditions are not interesting for the young generation. In a few years’ time, nobody will know them and they will no longer exist.
Zdroj: Cermat