Studenti z našeho gymnázia vyjeli na celou řadu projektů v rámci Erasmus+. Nejnověji se o své dojmy podělila studentka ze 6AV Nina Jeřábková.
,,V březnu tohoto roku se konal jeden z projektů Erasmu +. Od pořádající organizace jsme jako členové projektu, který se konal Tureckém Diyarbakiru, dostali za úkol šíření nových poznatků. A proto byla v rámci šíření získaných informací z projektu Green-move / Save the nature uspořádána malá prezentace o výsledcích projektu a životním prostředí se zaměřením na problém znečišťování přírody plasty. Tato akce se konala v NGO United Youth Spirit.
Níže si můžete přečíst oficiální zprávu o této akci v anglickém jazyce.“
Nině děkuji za zaslání zprávy o zajímavém projektu.
Martina Šimánková
Dissemination – Green movement/Save the nature
19.-28.3.2019 – Diyarbakir
As a part of dissemination of the project Green-movement/ Save the nature, we organized a small presentation about the results of the project. This event took place in NGO United Youth Spirit. Our main topic was plastic waste problem and the possible solutions and opportunities. The results and our topics were following:
The main land-based sources of plastic marine waste can be identified as: heavy rainwater flow, sewage flow, tourism-related waste, illegal waste disposal, industrial activities, improper transportation, consumer cosmetics, synthetic sandblasting agents or polyester and acrylic.
Recycling plastic, more sustainable ways of producing plastics and better handling of plastic waste – especially higher recycling rates – offer significant potential for improving resource efficiency. At the same time, they would help reduce raw material imports as well as greenhouse gas emissions. Resource savings can be significant. Plastics are produced almost exclusively from oil and currently around 8% of world oil production is used to produce plastics, of which 4% is used as raw material and 3-4% as energy for production processes.
In terms of resource efficiency, it is particularly important to prevent the disposal of plastic waste in landfills. Any storage of plastics is an obvious waste of resources that should be avoided in favor of recycling or energy recovery as the second best option. However, the amount of landfilled waste remains high in some Member States due to a lack of suitable alternatives and underutilization of demonstrably effective economic instruments.
The need to conserve natural resources and promote their use could be an incentive to increase sustainability in plastics production. Ideally, all plastic products should be fully recyclable at reasonable cost. Recycling begins when preparing a product design. Therefore, product design can become one of the main tools for implementing the recently adopted Resource Efficiency Plan.
The photos from the dissemination event and situation in Diyarbakir with the plastic recycling are in depicted in the pictures below.